Transmissions from the alternate universe

Novella review: “A Still Point” by Skywalker Storyteller

Posted by Eric the Gray on June 28, 2015

reviewed by Eric J Baker

A prefect rainy-day read on a quiet afternoon


Skywalker Storyteller

Skywalker Storyteller

A Still Point: a Journey into Consciousness tells the story of Jewel, a lonely, restless woman of middle age who, thanks to certain events I won’t spoil, comes to the realization that her life has not turned out how she expected. In so many ways, she is the definition of ordinary. Except in one remarkable way: She can leave her body at will to go places and see things no other person could hope to experience, all while her corporeal form continues to go through the motions of life in the “real” world.


It all sounds rather literary in description, but the story moves forward at a healthy clip, and author Skywalker Storyteller successfully makes an ambitious concept feel grounded and authentic. The prose is graceful without being flowery, and, most importantly, the central character is complex, interesting (despite what she thinks of herself), and sympathetic. The whole thing could have turned into melodrama in the hands of a less-skilled writer, but as presented, this tale manages to be moving and worthwhile. 


I found myself pondering the message and the character afterward, which doesn’t happen often enough when I read fiction. Perhaps you will experience the same. 

A Still Point: a Journey into Consciousness is available for download here at a very friendly  price point. Or Google it!

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